Saturday, January 22, 2011

AM Radio, Art Bell, Red Elk, And The Reptiloids...

This is the story of how I learned of the existence of the Reptiloids from under the Earth.

Years and years ago when I was a young man, I found myself on several occasions driving across country for work, moving to whatever city would keep me employed. Fairly often, I was unable to afford a hotel room in those days, so I would have to drive straight through the night.

I would keep myself awake by listening to AM radio, because I could hold the stations longer than FM. On a few occasions, I caught the Art Bell show, ( ) which featured the strange and unusual and mysterious. It was always my belief that a fascinated mind was a more alert mind.

One night on Art's show in the 1980's, there was a guest on called Red Elk. He was describing a race that lived underground in the Earth, called the Reptilians. They could occasionally come to the surface, disguise themselves as humans, and would eat people. Red Elk described them as evil, and given my experiences in the Peruvian Bat caves with Squiggy and Crew, he's not far off the mark. No smoke, and the Reptiloids are big, strong, nasty-tempered, and hungry.

Of course, Red Elk talked about many other things from Earth's distant past and Earth's near future, but I'm not going into that here. The point is, I've been aware of the existence of the Reptiloids for many years, and I've always kept my eyes open for them when anywhere there could be an exit from below the surface of the Earth.

Park that under your tinfoil umbrella and irradiate it for a few minutes. Then think about the Human race being driven almost entirely underground. It brings a whole new meaning to "getting your ass chewed," doesn't it?

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