Tips & Tricks with Tinfoil - Peruvian version:
1. Tinfoil Death-Ray Tester.
Use a long stick, pole, broom-handle, etc. Using your tinfoil umbrella in-case the Death Ray is currently shining down, go to the entrance of your cave or shelter. Wrap one end of the pole in tinfoil so that about six inches of the pole is covered, and it makes a big ball about six inches across at the end of the pole. Stick the tinfoiled end of the pole out of the cave. If it glows blue-green, you need tinfoil cover to exit the cave. If it doesn't, you can go outside without being under tinfoil, but ALWAYS carry enough tinfoil to shelter yourself if the Death Ray starts shining while you're out.
2. Tinfoil Death-Ray Indicator Watch.
Wrap a bracelet holding a circle of tinfoil around one of your wrists. Check it every couple of minutes for blue-green glow while you're out. If it starts glowing, GET UNDER TINFOIL, NOW!!! Otherwise, you are Bakado, Amigo. Toast. Crispy Critter. El Ash.
3. Tinfoil Underwear.
Line your undershorts (or girdle if you're a gal) with tinfoil on the outside of the cloth. (On the outside so the crinkly tinfoil isn't rubbing up against your sensitive woohoo!) for the protection of your mutatant-free procreation and the future Human re-population of the Earth.
4. Tinfoil Oven.
Take an extra tinfoil umbrella out with you. Affix a ceramic bowl to the handle at the end away from the parabola. Turn the umbrella upside-down on the ground and place cold food in the bowl. Change the angle of the parabola until your food begins to bake. Wait five minutes, eat. Wait ten minutes, eat charcoal. Get it?
5. Tinfoil Pet-Pajamas.
For Heaven's sake, if you're taking Fido or Frisky out to play, don't cook them! Use an old pet-sweater lined on the outside with tinfoil, and affix a miniature tinfoil umbrella to their collar. Your pet will still be around to thank you.
6. Tinfoil Path-Lights.
Kind of like the old solar sidewalk lights we used to have around our houses in the USA. Put a lump of tinfoil on the end of a two-foot stick. Sharpen the other end. Stick the sharp end into the ground along-side the path. Repeat every three feet for as far as you have sticks and tinfoil. It's easier to see the path when the tinfoil starts glowing under the Death Ray, and in an emergency, you can cannibalize the tinfoil to cover yourself.
7. Tinfoil Torches.
Take a three-foot stick. Put a huge wad of tinfoil on the end. Glows strongly blue-green under the Death Ray. Go play, Conan.
8. Tinfoil Yo-Yo.
Pretty useless, but more fun than a glow-in-the-dark Royal Spinner. Make sure you glue the foil on, so the centrifugal force doesn't whip your glow off. Be a child again for a few minutes.
9. Tinfoil-covered Lighters, Matchboxes, Phones, Keys, and Other Small Personal-Effects.
Allows you to easily find small items lost outside when the Death Ray shines.
10. Tinfoil-covered Bricks & Shingles.
How else do you think you're going to have a Tinfoil Shack for Hubba-Hubba Time?!
We'll post more Tinfoil Tips & Tricks as we think stuff up. Of course, feel free to leave tinfoil tricks as comments!
Brad Wonder out.
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